Welcome to St. Joseph's Men website. The news articles, documents and videos presented on these pages are designed to give you a perspective that the liberal news media refuses to present. The topics will revolve around the Roman Catholic Church but will present news and articles about things which impact the Moral Law and the Faith.
Join Dr. Martin Brenner for his four-part series on contraception. Dr. Brenner is a Biblical scholar and expert on the subject of Catholic sexuality. His class is designed to be accessible for the average layman, and is offered for free by RealCatholicTV.com because of the exceptional importance of this subject. You can watch the episodes here online, or you can order them below.
New NASA Data Refutes the MARXIST Man-Made Global Warming HOAX
The Video Below is placed here in honor of my mother, Mary Lee Gonzales, who passed from this life on December 28, 2011 fortified with all of the Sacraments and graces the Church can provide and the treasures of a life time of prayer and sacrifice in union with Our Blessed Savior: Requiescat in pace
Father Gary Thomas, Exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, California
'The Rite' is based on a real priest trained in exorcism
Father Gary Thomas, based in Saratoga, Calif., served as an advisor. He says he has exorcised demons from five people.
The YouTube video below is very moving and highly recommended
Public School Students taken to a Mosque and "Encouraged" to pray to the moon god 'Allah'! Can you imagine what would happen if they were taken to a Catholic Church and encouraged to pray the Rosary?
Excellent, theologically correct, and concise explanation of Catholicism as the true continuation of Israel and the Covenant.
What the Hell is Going ON? Catholic Bishop appeases Blood Thristy Mohammadens by blessing a book inspired by Satan! Burn the American flag, put a Crucifix in urine, but don't make the religion of peace angry or they will KILL YOU.
The above photo is of the actual statue of Our Lady who appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in 1594 and requested the above statue bemade of her likeness exactly as she appeared to mother Mariana. In time this was accomplished with the help of angels who assisted in the creation of this beautiful likeness of the Queen of Victories as she called herself. There were many prophecies which were written down and have been hidden for nearly 400 years. They were recently discovered and according to the original prophecy, devotion to Our Lady of Good Success is beginning to spread world-wide at a time before a great chastisement. If you click on the photo it will take you to a page which describes the vision and prophecies.
I love our U.S. Military & all those who are left behind when the loved one gives the ultimate sacrifice. I hope this video touches you as it touches me.
Not Only ACORN: Catholic Campaign-Funded Groups Support Same-sex Marriage, Opposed Parental Notification
9/23/2009 11:52:00 PM -www.calcatholic.com
The ongoing scandals involving ACORN have made national news. Most Catholics know that until recently, the community-organizing group had been receiving annual funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. According to a Catholic News Service article of October 16, 2008, ACORN had received $7.3 million from the Catholic Campaign over the previous ten years,... (Full Story)
Reflections on the Struggle to Advance the Culture of Life
Reflections on the Struggle to Advance the Culture of Life
9/26/2009 5:53:00 PM By Archbishop Raymond Burke
It is clear that we are experiencing today a period of intense and critical struggle in the advancement of the culture of life in our nation. The administration of our federal government openly and aggressively follows a secularist agenda. While it may employ religious language and even invoke the name of God, in fact, it proposes programs and policies for our people without respect for God and His Law.... (Full Story)
India raises nuclear stakes
By James Lamont in New Delhi and James Blitz in London
Published: September 27 2009 22:30
India can now build nuclear weapons with the same destructive power as those in the arsenals of the world’s major nuclear powers, according to New Delhi’s senior atomic officials.
They said India had built weapons with yields of up to 200 kilotons, which would be considered a “proper strategic deterrent”... (Full Story)
Unbelievable Evil Taking Place in "Catholic" Diocese
September 21, 2009
The case against Archbishop John Favalora of Miami: why he must resign
RenewAmerica readers who have followed the column of my colleague Matt C. Abbott are well aware of the spiritual travails afflicting what Abbott has rightfully called "one of the worst — if not the worst — archdiocese in terms of the presence of non-celibate homosexual clergy." (Full Article)
The Truth about Teilhard de Chardin
Rev Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
Very few Roman Catholics today realize just how significant a role Teilhard de Chardin played in the revolution that shook the Church to her foundations and subsequently all of Western Civilization. Today we live in a world made in the likeness of Teilhard and the other Modernists who institutionalized their faithlessness in the Second Vatican Council. Read this excellent article on the influence of Teilhard de Chardin. (ARTICLE)
Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue
Arguments planned Jan. 11 for major Obama challenge
September 08, 2009 4:42 pm Eastern
A California judge today tentatively scheduled a trial for Jan. 26, 2010, for a case that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be president based on questions over his qualificationsunder the requirements of the U.S. Constitution. (Full Story Here)
Human Life International questions Catholic funeral for Kennedy
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 8/29/2009 4:40:00 AM
A Catholic pro-life leader has some scathing words concerning Senator Ted Kennedy's Catholic funeral.
Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, released this statement concerning Senator Kennedy. "We must, as a matter of precept, pray for the salvation of heretical Catholics like Senator Edward Kennedy, but we do not have to praise him, let alone extol him with the full honors of a public Catholic funeral and all the adulation that attends such an event." (Full Story Here)
Marine Vet (David Hedrick) Challenges his Congressman at Town Hall Meeting
Listen to Thomas Payne on the Second American Revolution
The following quote by Cicero can be applied to both the Church and the United States of America. Both have suffered TREASON from within and now we the people are suffering because they were never stopped.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.......Cicero, 42 B.C.
This Speech was given by Ronald Reagan in 1961. He could have said this TODAY 48 years later.
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St. Joseph's Men Society depends on the donations and charity of others to help support our work. If you appreciate our efforts to defend Christ and His Church please keep us in your prayers and offer up your sufferings for our endeavors. We are a 501(3)(c) non=profit organization. Send all donations to: St. Joseph's Men Society 15732 Los Gatos Blvd. #303 Los Gatos, CA. 95032