The Murder of a Butcher by Anthony Gonzales
San Jose, CA. May 31, 2009
Apparently the major pro-life organizations in the United States feel it is necessary to preemptively express their disapproval, condemnation, and 'horror' regarding the murder of the abortionist George Tiller in his Lutheran Church, Sunday morning May 31, 2009. It feels like a CYA action to me. "We don't condone killing of any sort." they scream as if to say, 'Don't look at us we had nothing to do with this.' Please! It seems to me they should be honest in their statements. It would be so refreshing to hear someone say, "We rejoice in the death of this evil man who murdered so many innocent babies. He deserved death in the same way Hitler deserved death for all of the lives he murdered. The man who did this favor for future countless innocent children should be congratulated." Sadly, he should never have taken the law into his own hands but in the scriptures God commands, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God man was made. You must be fruitful and multiply; abound on the earth and subdue it.” Despite this command, the truth is I don’t know anyone in the prolife movement that advocates violence as the solution to this evil. The majority of pro-lifers are Christ-like in the way they approach both the murderers (abortionists) and their victims (the women who believe killing their child is the only solution). In ages past this would never have been tolerated by the Faithful. The murderer would have been found and brought to justice. Nevertheless, I understand the frustration that can build when the truth and justice are constantly being thwarted by the very people and institutions that are supposed to protect the truth and provide justice.
In the Old Testament God allowed justice to be exacted by the victim of the injustice done. In the New Testament God asked that we forego the individual execution of justice and leave that to the state. Our Lord wanted us to sacrifice the injustices done to us as He had done. In this way we become cooperators in the redemption Christ won for us on the cross.
Now with that being said sometimes we as a people must come together to protect and save the innocent. This is most evident in war but it can be as intimate as in the case of protecting the lives of our loved ones against an unjust aggressor. To make the determination for this right of self-defense may be difficult in some cases and this is why the church has always advised that such action should only be done in extreme circumstances, otherwise it must be left to the state.
Now we do not believe in violence as the answer to every dilemma, on the contrary, it must only be used as a last resort. However, frustration at the lack of justice and institutionalization of moral anarchy will always bring about vigilantism. The government cannot continue to protect the guilty and punish the innocent for very long before there is an uprising of good men. It always starts with small incidences but will eventually build to a strenuous resistance by a principled and well organized minority. In the end violent resistance is all that is left to those who want to defend the moral law, the family, the country, and ultimately the honor of God when the state abandons its mission to protect the God-given rights of the innocent citizens and allows injustice to flourish.
In our 'Alice in Wonderland' world Tiller is now the martyr and the man who stopped the murderer is the villain and the queen of hearts screams 'off with their heads'. When will the people finally wake up and realize that our world has been turned upside down and inside out by the very forces that enslaved millions all over the world. While we have the chance we need to throw all of the bums out of office in the State and Federal governments and elect common sense, moral men and women to undo the errors of Russia that have infected everything in both Church and state, if not more and more violence will take place as people become more and more frustrated with evil. The death of the evil man should never be mourned no matter how it comes about. Trust me, when Dathan was cast into hell after his organizing the rebellion against God through the creation of the golden calf there was no sadness among the righteous Israelites. Instead they thanked God for saving them from the evil in their midst. We should do the same.
Anthony Gonzales